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Using Stylus CLI

This guide will get you started using cargo stylus, a CLI toolkit to help developers manage, compile, deploy, and optimize their Stylus contracts efficiently.

This overview will help you discover and learn how to uses cargo stylus tools.

Installing cargo stylus

Cargo stylus is a plugin to the standard cargo tool for developing Rust programs.


Rust toolchain

Follow the instructions on Rust Lang's installation page to install a complete Rust toolchain (v1.81 or older; v1.82 is currently not supported) on your system. After installation, ensure you can access the programs rustup, rustc, and cargo from your preferred terminal application.


We will use the testnet, and some cargo stylus commands will require Docker to operate.

You can download Docker from Docker's website.

Foundry's Cast

Foundry's Cast is a command-line tool for interacting with your EVM contracts.

Nitro devnode

Stylus is available on Arbitrum Sepolia, but we'll use nitro devnode, which has a pre-funded wallet, saving us the effort of wallet provisioning or running out of tokens to send transactions.

Install your devnode
git clone
cd nitro-devnode
Launch your devnode


In your terminal, run:

cargo install --force cargo-stylus

Add WASM (WebAssembly) as a build target for the specific Rust toolchain you are using. The below example sets your default Rust toolchain to 1.80 as well as adding the WASM build target:

rustup default 1.80
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain 1.80

You can verify the cargo stylus installation by running cargo stylus -V in your terminal, returning something like:stylus 0.5.6

Using cargo stylus

Cargo Stylus Commands Reference

CommandDescriptionArgumentsOptionsExample Usage
newCreate a new Stylus projectname: Project name (required)--minimal: Create a minimal contractcargo stylus new <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
initInitialize a Stylus project in current directory--minimal: Create a minimal contractcargo stylus init --minimal
export-abiExport a Solidity ABI--output: Output file (defaults to stdout)
--json: Write JSON ABI using solc
cargo stylus export-abi --json
activateActivate an already deployed contract--address: Contract address to activate--data-fee-bump-percent: Percent to bump estimated fee (default 20%)
--estimate-gas: Only estimate gas without sending transaction
cargo stylus activate --address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
cacheCache contract using Stylus CacheManagerbid: Place bid on contract
status: Check contract status
suggest-bid: Get suggested minimum bid
cargo stylus cache bid --address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
checkCheck a contract--wasm-file: WASM file to check
--contract-address: Deployment address
deployDeploy a contract--contract-address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>: Where to deploy and activate the contract (defaults to a random address)--estimate-gas: Only perform estimation
--no-verify: Skip reproducible container
--cargo-stylus-version: Version for Docker image
--source-files-for-project-hash <SOURCE_FILES_FOR_PROJECT_HASH>: Path to source files to include in the project hash
--max-fee-per-gas-gwei <MAX_FEE_PER_GAS_GWEI>: Optional max fee per gas in gwei units
--wasm-file <WASM_FILE>: The WASM file to check (defaults to any found in the current directory)
cargo stylus deploy --endpoint='http://localhost:8547' --private-key="<PRIVATE_KEY>" --estimate-gas
verifyVerify contract deployment--deployment-tx: Hash of deployment transaction--no-verify: Skip reproducible container
--cargo-stylus-version: Version for Docker image
cgenGenerate C code bindings--input: Input file path
--out_dir: Output directory path
replayReplay transaction in GDB-t, --tx <TX>: Transaction to replay-p, --project <PROJECT>: Project path (default: .)
-u, --use-native-tracer: Use the native tracer instead of the JavaScript one (may not be available in the node)
-s, --stable-rust: Use stable Rust (note that nightly is needed to expand macros)
cargo stylus replay --tx <TX>
traceTrace a transaction--tx: Transaction hash--endpoint: RPC endpoint
--project: Project path
--use-native-tracer: Use native tracer
Common options

These options are available across multiple commands:

--endpointArbitrum RPC endpoint (default: http://localhost:8547)
--verbosePrint debug info
--source-files-for-project-hashPaths to source files for project hash
--max-fee-per-gas-gweiOptional max fee per gas in gwei
Authentication options

Available for commands involving transactions:

--private-key-pathPath to file containing hex-encoded private key
--private-keyPrivate key as hex string (exposes to shell history)
--keystore-pathPath to Ethereum wallet keystore file
--keystore-password-pathKeystore password file path


Learn how to optimize WASM binariesThe cargo-stylus tool allows you to optimize WebAssembly (WASM) binaries, ensuring that your contracts are as efficient as possible.
Debug Stylus transactionsA guide to debugging transactions, helping you identify and fix issues. Gain insights into your Stylus contracts by debugging transactions.
Verify contractsEnsure that your Stylus contracts are correctly verified. Step-by-step instructions on how to verify your contracts using cargo-stylus.
Run a Stylus dev nodeLearn how to run a local Arbitrum dev node to test your Stylus contracts.

Additional resources

Troubleshooting: solve the most common issues.

cargo-stylus repository: consult cargo stylus' source code.